16 September 2008

The only book Mariah Carey has ever read . . .

... is the Bible.

And here is one of her favorite verses. (From the song "I wish you well")

Judgments are prepared for scorners, and stripes for the back of fools. Proverbs 19:29

Has she come out for McCain and Palin yet?
(Maybe she'd let them use "I'll be lovin' U long time" as their theme song.)


I Am said...

I don't doubt that she hasn't read other books (I'm sure there are plenty of people who haven't read a whole book). I just doubt that she's actually read the whole Bible cover to cover. 31,173 verses, give or take, is a lot to read when you're busy sunbathing.

Brian_E said...

No wonder she's such an airhead...

A Voice of Sanity said...

But has she really read it? In Greek and Hebrew? Or one of the many English translations which 'adjust' the text to suit the market?

E. D. Malone said...

My personal favorite is the one in Deuteronomy 28 that says that if you don't obey King God, your enemies will besiege your city walls, cut off your food supply, and create a famine that will become so bad that your wife will eat her newborn baby AND the afterbirth and not share any of it with you. Wonder if Mariah could set that to music.

Unknown said...

Ironic for someone who sings about sex a lot to be a bible freak.

A Voice of Sanity said...

I suspect that, like many of her fellow citizens, she is really a Pascalist and not a true believer.

I Am said...

A voice of sanity, I guess you never know, but I think someone who brags about only reading one book probably hasn't considered Pascal's wager. I would guess she either blindly believes what's in the Bible without thinking about it (like many Christians), or she just thought it would be good PR to say she reads the Bible. Maybe she thought she was in the running to be McCain's VP.

gareth, I see what you mean. But maybe the Bible is actually the inspiration for some of her songs. There's lots of talk about sex in the Bible.

A Voice of Sanity said...

Most probably haven't heard of Pascal's Wager (or Poe's Law!) but I maintain that is their motivation.

For those who want prayer in high school I offer a simple choice: prayer; or team sports. Let us see how many Texas high schools would choose to lose football, basketball and cheer-leading to get prayer back in. When it costs them something we will see where the truth lies.

Steve Wells said...

anon, I don't know anyone who has never read a book all the way through, do you? How is that even possible, assuming she managed to get through grade school?

But for her to have read only one book cover-to-cover, and for that book to be the Bible, is amazing. Few Christians have read the Bible (if they did they wouldn't be Christians any longer), but most have read many other books. This is the first believer I've heard of that has read the Bible, but hasn't read any other book.

a voice of sanity, I'm sure Mariah Carey hasn't read the Bible in its original languages -- neither have I. But I don't think that matters much. Jeremiah 19:9 might sound better when its read in Hebrew, but its meaning is unchanged. Cruelty is cruelty no matter what the language.

e. d. malone, Yeah, Deuteronomy 28 is one of the nastiest chapters in the Bible. The OT God's true character really comes shining through in that one.

gareth, I'd like to hear her sing a song using Ezekiel 23:20. That would make a nice MTV video.

Baconeater said...

I like looking at Mariah, but her music makes me gag.

Dr. Alex said...

Mariah Carey definitely has read the Bible and please don't make any associations between her songs and the Bible because the commercial way of present music is just a scope and this has nothing to do with the religion.


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