30 September 2009

I want one of these T-shirts

But shoot, did I mess up in my addition?

My latest count is God: 2,301,426, Satan: 10.

Did I miss 90,000 of God's victims?

Note: I found the missing victims. I removed the estimated 90,000 from the Midianite massacre since I'm only including numbers that are explicitly given in the biblical text. (See the note at the bottom of How man has God killed?


TWF said...

Nah, I don't think you missed them. It's just a difference of estimations on the several unnumbered mass slaughters.

This looks like a do-it-yourself shirt.

One black tee - $10
One tube of white fabric paint - $4
Reminding the world how horrifically violent the Christian God of Love is - Priceless

Matthew Blanchette said...

There are some things money can't buy; for everything else, there's Atheism.

Steve Wells said...

Oh, I found the missing 90,000.

I removed the estimated 90,000 from the Midianite massacre since I'm only including numbers that are explicitly given in the biblical text. (See the note at the bottom of How man has God killed?

Unknown said...

That's because Satan keeps people alive in hell to burn. God punished the people on Earth because of their sin:
“And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” (Genesis 6:5, emphasis

Unknown said...

What Tanner said

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