20 June 2010

Sarah Palin: Gulf disaster needs divine intervention

Sarah Palin told her twitter pals that it's time to ask God to take over the clean-up efforts in the Gulf.

Gulf disaster needs divine intervention as man's efforts have been futile. Gulf lawmakers designate today Day of Prayer for solution/miracle -- SarahPalinUSA

Yeah, that's a good idea, Sarah. Let's ask the (imaginary) guy who plans to turn 1/3 of the sea into blood and kill 1/3 of all sea life.

And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood; And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died. Revelation 8:8-9

And then turn the entire ocean into blood, killing everything that lives in it.

And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood; And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died. Revelation 16:3

And finally, destroy the whole shebang.

And I saw a new heaven and a new earth ... and there was no more sea. Revelation 21:1

Now that's someone we can depend on!

Unfortunately, the lawmakers of Louisiana agree.


madmax said...

I find your posts excellent to the extent that they show the idiocy of the Bible and of religion. I find your posts annoying to the extent that they attack non-Leftists. Look, not every person who hates Leftist politics is religious. And it does not follow that all non-leftist political thought follows from religion. In fact, I would argue that the entire Leftwing philosophic foundation is just a secularization of monotheism. Socialism, Communism, Environmentalism...They are all secular religions.

So do you think you could drop the non-Leftists are all idiots meme. Its really annoying.

Steve Wells said...

Sorry to annoy you, madmax, but my political views are going to come through now and then.

You say "that the entire Leftwing philosophic foundation is just a secularization of monotheism."

And I agree that there are religious liberals, but I am not one of them. I have no religious beliefs at all. (My view on religion is the same as my view of astrology. I reject it entirely.)

Unknown said...

Part of the problem, madmax, is that you may be the entire atheistic contingent on the right. So right-wing politics and religious idiocy often, oh-so-very often go hand-in-hand. People should point out when politics and religion mix.

Perhaps you might point out the agnostic teabaggers website? "Another Atheist for Palin?"

Matthew Blanchette said...

Exactly; the "big tent" has become a circus sideshow solely for right-wing religious nuts... not that I'm a part of said "big tent". ;-)

As for the whole "divine relief through Mr. Jesus-up-there-in-the-sky", well... this might clear it all up: http://jesuspuzzle.humanists.net/whatsnew.html

D.O.K said...

joI find it humourous that you so "confidently" try to interpret the book of Revelation (since even some bible commentators don't attempt such a feat) and that you seem to be taking it so literally since, if you have read the rest of the book, you will notice how much of it speaks metaphorically.

Tell me Steve, do you think John was talking about a REAL beast coming out of the sea with ten horns and seven heads and ten crowns on his horns, and on each head a blasphemous name?

And what about the second beast that came out of the earth who had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon?

Hmmm.... a LOT of metaphors and symbolism in the book Revelation hey?

Steve Wells said...

I have no idea what the author of Revelation might have meant when he wrote what he wrote. I only know what he wrote and that's what I quoted. Is there something wrong with that?

D.O.K said...

Not at all Steve, I was merely pointing out how difficult it is for someone to try and interpret the book of Revelation.

And that maybe there is less integrity in your argument when you are not so much invested in discovering what is behind John's dreams/visions rather then just quoting it to prove a point that you don't believe in anyway?

Deo said...

$arah, if that doesn't work, may I recoomend a day of WITCHCRAFT & VOODOO?
Maybe we should scarifice a couple of virgins, eh, $arah? Might could work...

Unknown said...

There are pretty much three outcomes when praying for divine intervention or a miracle. They are:


B. No

C. Wait

I think it's somewhat arrogant Christians of Ms. Palin's ilk to suggest that Gulf coast residents in the US haven't already been "praying their asses off" for a miracle since the explosion began...and for several weeks subsequent to that.

Has it even occured to Ms. Palin or any of her adherents that God may have already clearly answered these prayers as either B. or C.?

I'm just saying before people pretend to know what they don't know, is it possible that the Lord Almighty has already spoken on the question of halting an environmental disaster in miracle fashion?

Sure seems that way to me.

busterggi said...

So does this mean that she & the other believers haven't prayed for the past 50+ days?

Because Dog should have heard them by now.

Unknown said...

D.O.K said...

"Not at all Steve, I was merely pointing out how difficult it is for someone to try and interpret the book of Revelation."

It's difficult to interpret the whole damn book. That is a problem, as people interpret this, context that, and try so very hard to make sense out of the inane babbling that comprises most of the bible.

I cannot see how anybody could take this seriously. I suppose it's because I didn't grow up with it, but it still boggles my mind that anybody would say, "Yeah, this makes sense. Better believe it."

Steve does a fine job. Or do you propose some scientific way of finding out which parts of the bible are metaphorical and which parts are *ahem* factual?

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