24 August 2010

Glenn Beck explains how Native Americans became the blood-thirsty savages called "Lamanites" in the Book of Mormon

It's hard for any sane person to watch Glenn Beck. But if you can stand it, here's Glenn claiming that Native Americans are descended from Israelites.

Of course that's not what science says. But that, Glenn tells us, is because science and government have conspired together to hide the truth.

Why would they do that, you wonder? Well, here's what Glenn says (for those of you who can't stomach the video):

Science was colluding with government because of commerce, and religion was involved. Now why do I tell you all this stuff?
The history that has been erased in our nation, and in particular with the Native Americans, happened because it didn't fit the story they created: Manifest Destiny. It only works when Indians were savages and they had to have savages for commerce and government to expand. The ancient artifacts prove otherwise. Why aren't we looking into those?

Which explains why science and government hid the truth about the origin of the Native Americans. But what was the religious motive?

Glenn doesn't talk about that, but he knows what it was. Anti-Mormonism.

Most Americans, then and now, reject the Book of Mormon. And, when it comes to the Native Americans, the Book of Mormon explains it all.

Here is a condensed version of the Book of Mormon:

A small group of Israelites traveled by boat to the North America in 600 BCE. There they split into two groups: one good the other bad. The bad ones were called "Lamanites," whose descendants are what we now call Native Americans. The Lamanites fought with and completely wiped out good, fair-skinned "Nephites." God cursed the Lamanites (Native Americans) by darkening their skin and turning them into sinful, blood-thirsty savages.

And he [God] had caused the cursing to come upon them [the Lamanites] ... wherefore, as they were white, and exceedingly fair and delightsome, that they might not be enticing unto my people the Lord God did cause a skin of blackness to come upon them. 2 Nephi 5:21
The Lamanites ... were led by their evil nature that they became wild, and ferocious, and a bloodthirsty people, full of idolatry and filthiness; feeding upon beasts of prey; dwelling in tents, and wandering about in the wilderness with a short skin girdle about their loins and their heads shaven.... And many of them did eat nothing save it was raw meat; and they were continually seeking to destroy us. Enos 1:20
The Lamanites ... were a wild, and ferocious, and a blood-thirsty people. Mosiah 10:11-12
The Lamanites ... were ... sinful and polluted. Mosiah 25:11

So according to Glenn Beck and the Book of Mormon, Native Americans are not just savages -- they're evil, sinful, polluted, wild, filthy, ferocious, blood-thirsty savages. God made them that way by cursing their ancestor, Laman (who was, don't ya know, an Israelite).

Sounds like the perfect story to base Manifest Destiny on, doesn't it?

I wonder why science didn't go for it?


madmax said...

I agree with Beck's expose of the evils of Progressivism / Leftism. Its a shame he is religious though. It would be nice to have a hugely popular secular libertarian social commentator that excoriates the Left. But all we get are theists like Beck and Limbaugh. Its a shame for us secular Rightists.

D.O.K said...

Oooh i wonder if this is where Stephnie Meyers got her idea to have Native Americans as wolves in the Twilight series... she is Mormon afterall.

This is pretty offensive actually. Especially if history for Native Americans is anything like history for Native Australians - which i believe it is. Sometimes people say dumb things!

Matthew Blanchette said...

Um, really, madmax? You're on your own with that...

busterggi said...

Max, you are a fan of Edgar A. aren't you?

I mean, for your own sake.

Nameless Cynic said...

Oh, come on. There's so much more insanity in Mormonism than just that little bit

skmarshall said...

In case Max is not a raven quothing "Nevermore", may i suggest that the reason for the dearth of "popular secular libertarian social commentator(s)" may be that believing a load of codswallop like the book of mormon or the bible is a perfect prerequisite for standing up in public and saying things like "Obama's a Muslim/Socialist/Fascist" or "OMG Death Panels!!" or "get [the federal government] down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub"?

Steve Wells said...

"Oh, come on. There's so much more insanity in Mormonism than just that little bit."

Well, yes, there is, Nameless Cynic, but it can't all be covered in a single post. And not all Mormon insanity relates to Glenn Beck's latest craziness.

Markus said...

Man, I can completely understand why millions of 'merican git-'er-dones gravitate to Glenn Beck's message every week on television.

Who are you gonna trust for your news?

Well, why not a former drug addict, a recovering alcoholic and the overweight son of a pastry chef?

I mean, that's the kind of guy one needs to organize his worldview around.

Beck's also very creative. Two enthusiastic thumbs up on the government+religion conspiracy theory.

Except Beck might be surprised about the evidence already available regarding the decades of war between Native American tribes well prior to the arrival of the Europeans. I especially liked Beck's logic of conveniently omiting the hundreds of sophisticated native civilizations to the south (MesoAmerica, South America) who were evident hundreds of years before the Cheyenne, Souix, Apache and Pawnee. What about the Aleuts? Or are the Olmecs, Purapechas, Mayans, Aztecs and Mexicas all considered Lamanites too?

Xaratherus said...

@Markus: "I especially liked Beck's logic of conveniently omiting the hundreds of sophisticated native civilizations to the south (MesoAmerica, South America) who were evident hundreds of years before the Cheyenne, Souix, Apache and Pawnee. What about the Aleuts? Or are the Olmecs, Purapechas, Mayans, Aztecs and Mexicas all considered Lamanites too?"

Well, duh - those artifacts, like fossils of dinosaurs and prehistoric flora were planted by Satan to make us question God.

It actually made my teeth ache to type that...

twillight said...

He actually ended up somewhere?
Because the first 5 minutes were the biggest nonconected heap of emptiness what I've ever heared, and with a broken skull I have no more patient currently.

So ty Steve for the summerization, because in that way it turned out funny.

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