12 January 2011

And Palin washed her hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person

When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person. Matthew 27:24

You can watch Palin wash her hands here.


madmax said...

I am far more of a strong atheist than you will ever be yet I loathe the political Left far more than the Christian Right. The greater danger comes from egalitarian welfare-statists like you and your fellow Leftist travelers. You are on the verge of destroying the God Damn country. Google up Nial Fergeson's talk about America's interest on debt numbers and what they portend for the future. Thank you welfare-state.

Sarah Palin may be religious but it is a sad thing when the average religious person who believes in supernatural beings and primitive mythology nevertheless is far more commonsensical in public policy than the so called "reality-oriented community."

The Left is the party of the welfare-state. It is the movement of collectivism. It is all about institutional violence directed against the productive to confiscate and redistribute their wealth. And yet you Leftists have the gall to blame the non-Left (Conservatives and Libertarians) for "inciting hate".

Steve, there is a coming civil war in this country if things don't change. In the wake of Obama and Pelosi and the other Leftist political monsters out there, non-Leftists are coming out of their slumber and seeing the evil of the political/cultural Left. There is no way that Progressives will be able to co-exist with non-Progressives if the march Leftward persists.

I do not want to live in a religious country, but I sure as hell don't want to live in a country dominated by Progressives like you. You may be an atheist but you strike me as a fool about all else. And your knee-jerk Leftist hatred for anyone who disagrees with you is more repulsive than any Christian fundamentalist.

With Leftist atheists like you, who the hell needs Christian theocrats?

Steve Wells said...

You really are mad max. You should get some help before you hurt someone.

trj said...

Yeah, just look at those hateful, leftist Scandinavian countries teetering on the edge of civil war. Most of them have a homicide ratio that is only a fourth of USA's and healthcare for everyone at half the cost. Who the hell would want that?

11-year old Atheist-Libertarian said...

@madmax In the beginning you say your a stronger atheist than Steve Wells. I honestly don't think you can be a stronger atheist than someone. Just like you can't be a stronger non-astrologer.

Also, you state that liberals are blaming the non-left(Conservatives and Libertarians, you seem to forget statists) a lot. Well, I'm a libertarian(non-left) and I don't think liberals make fun of libertarians. I think libertarians and liberals are great friends.

You, also, say to Steve Wells that if things don't change there will be a CIVIL WAR!!!! If I honestly believed that there was, I would be afraid. Civil wars are the worst wars. However, you fail at making false fear.

There is nothing wrong with being in the right, left, bottom or middle. Nor, do I want people to that way.

busterggi said...

Pity poor Max, if only the facists had overthrown FDR in the '30's then he'd be living in a country he'd be proud of.

Lucky he's a STRONG atheist, not like us wishy-washy atheists. He doens't belive so much harder than we don't. I'm sure his strength will see him through.

RaptorJesus said...

WOW!!! Mr. madmax you turly are dee dee dee!!!

You are obviously a person who thinks they are better and has a better plan than everybody else!!! The key word is "thinks", which you do not. ;)

Sounds to me that you have no plan and just willingly follow who ever writes a article on something that is half-way researched and sounds good to you!!!

ooooooo, numbers make me happy, duh........*drool*

"I am far more of a strong atheist than you will ever be"
Holy crap!! I didnt know there is a competion! I am behind the ball here!! >.< F, me

"I loathe the political Left far more than the Christian Right"
An atheist who is more right winged? LOL, thats kinda like being a jewish-nazi. o.O

"The Left is the party of the welfare-state. It is the movement of collectivism. It is all about institutional violence directed against the productive to confiscate and redistribute their wealth. And yet you Leftists have the gall to blame the non-Left (Conservatives and Libertarians) for "inciting hate"."

This is some rich funny crap here!!!
First off I can see grammar is not your strong suit!!! I glad to see my tax dallors are not wasted on elementary schools! :(

You sound just like the christains who say "The devil is tearing this counrty apart, we need to do something about it!!"

But all they do is cry,
Brainwashing at its finest!!!

I love how you talk about welfare one second and then strieght in to the violence, OH YES! there is definatly a link there! Oh I am so scared!

LOL now to your comment on the coming "Civil War", which is the hilarious, by the way!!! :)

Bro, our counrty is monitored very closly in case you didnt know! The CIA and FBI work to together to keep an eye on people who have the capabilities to start a rebelion of any sort. Plus no rebelion would want to fight the US military head on, untrained people want to fight the US military its suicide! The most you might get is an up rising and the a quick put down like the hippeis, no civil war, but definiltely civil disobedience.

Also, Mr. madmax this counrty has been in debt sence 1775, in case your memory is fuzzy as your logic thats the Revolutionary War! The US has been in debt pretty much from the beginning! Its not just welfare!
Oh and a 11 year old (11-year old atheist) saw right through your bull-crap!!! LOL, how pathetic you are, worm!!

All you seem to say in this long an dumb comment is that you blame left for problems in the counrty, like I said you have no plan just compalaints.
Waah waah waah!!! Cry cry cry!!! Go to the store and get you some vagisil, it might help you while your on the rag here.

But serously, dude go see a physiatrist, get some help, we don't need to read your post that just b!tches about how bad you think things are, your just an angery person who needs to vent before you hurt sombody, just be thankful you live in a counrty that allows you to post comments on anything you want!

This entire comment was just ment to insult you! Becasue you insult America with your stupid, pull head out of your 4th point of contact and look at this counrty from a distance (metaphorically, of course) and then compare it to other counrties and you will see The US is great! It aint perfect, but it doesn't need to be! We are doing pretty good the way things are, because the Left and Right side of politics keep each other in check.

So my advise to you is read both side of the argument and not just one and run with it!

Oh and one more thing I found a picture on the Internet, it reminds me of you!!! :)

Scroll down till you see the first pic. DEE DEE DEE!!!!

Brian_E said...

@madmax - regarding the maps; the one you link to shows Dems using the double-circle logo for their target, just like the Target superstore. Palin used the actual gun crosshairs logo. Big difference, nutjob.

polardan said...

Steve,is this the first statement of political bias since you started the blog? I have thoroughly enjoyed every word until tonight. As a non-theist It has become the first site I click on when I sit down with my laptop to relax. Maybe I have been mistaken in thinking your analysis of religion is well thought out just because I agree with them. This blog certainly was not. Dan

Steve Wells said...


Steve,is this the first statement of political bias since you started the blog?

No, I frequently express my political bias on my blog. Isn't that what a blog is for?

I think Sarah Palin made her youtube video to deny any responsibility for the crosshair map, which she took down hours after Gabrielle Giffords was shot. Palin washed her hands before the multitude, saying I am innocent of the blood of this just person. That's why she made the video and that's why I made the post.

polardan said...

Steve, Thanks for your explanation,you may be right. However, I have noticed with Bush gone and somewhat irrelevant, Palin has inherited the scapegoat mantle. I will admit that both Bush and Palin are easy targets in that they tend to go off the teleprompter. The political bashing sites abound and are growing by the hour. I avoid them because very little is accomplished in the way of clarity of thought. Personal attacks at some point just become annoying (including the ones made about Obama, Pelosi and Reed). Rather then listening to the fracus I find it satisfying to read the analysis of the bills and form my own opinions.

Just as religions are a bad hangover of the tribal days so are the political crazies. Being a conservative non-theist tends to isolate one even further from the majority. Dan

Robert said...

Vituperation at its best: "We’re ecstatic to hear that George Tiller is finally in hell."


Nick said...

@ Raptorjesus

Yes, a person can be politcally right wing (conservative) and still be an atheist. It just happens that the wacko's get the most attention , hence the belief that right wing = christian nutjobs when we all know that there are christian nutjobs on both sides of the political spectrum.

Anonymous said...

polardan said:

"Maybe I have been mistaken in thinking your analysis of religion is well thought out just because I agree with them. This blog certainly was not. Dan"

Really, dude? He says one thing you disagree with, on a topic having nothing to do with religion, and your response is basically, "well, maybe everything you say is wrong"?

polardan said...

fenm said,

Really, dude? He says one thing you disagree with, on a topic having nothing to do with religion, and your response is basically, "well, maybe everything you say is wrong"?

It goes to show you just how wound up I was over the Palin thing. I believe I responded to Steve with an explanation of why the bashing gets old from both sides and why I don't seek it out. What I really enjoy is Steve's analysis of the three books,it took me off guard to come across the politics. Honestly I haven't come across anything he has said on religious issues that wasn't reasoned and thoughtful. Dan

madmax said...

Wow, this is the best you Leftists can do? Weak.

Yeah, just look at those hateful, leftist Scandinavian countries teetering on the edge of civil war. Most of them have a homicide ratio that is only a fourth of USA's and healthcare for everyone at half the cost. Who the hell would want that?

Europe is bankrupt. It is also being Islamicized. Europe will have a largely Islamic population by 2050. Europe is in the process of self-liquidation. But you Leftists could care less.

As for you Scandinavian countries, to the degree that they have economic success, it is due to their capitalist elements. Sweden, for example, has a lower corporate income tax than we do. As for free health care, are you Leftists so stupid to believe that there is something as a free lunch? And you call me delusional.

regarding the maps; the one you link to shows Dems using the double-circle logo for their target, just like the Target superstore. Palin used the actual gun crosshairs logo. Big difference, nutjob.

Check out these links for more evidence of your peaceful Leftist movement.



You really are mad max. You should get some help before you hurt someone.

You're a moral weakling Wells. A nation full of people like you would not survive. And your no intellectual. Their are vastly more sophisticated treatments of the Bible that show its errors; and do so without the grade-school idiocy you display. There were reasons for these stories and myths. Just treating them as objects of ridicule without understanding their historical context is knee-jerk Leftist atheist nihilism. The secular Conservatives who are atheists analyze the Biblical stories not just mock them. But then again, they are not mindless Leftist fools like you. Here's one such secular Conservative blog. See the difference between him and you:


The rest of you had no challenge to me besides mindless Leftist nihilistic crap. More proof of the intellectual vacancy of the Left.

madmax said...

Also Wells, perhaps you could answer just how this guy Loughner was a Conservative.

* He admired the movie 'Loose change' which is a Leftist "9-11" conspiracy theory movie

* He admired the movie 'Zeitgeist' which is an anarcho-Leftist attack on America

* One of his favorite bands was Anti-Flag which is an anarcho-Left, American-hating group

* He was an atheist (and atheists are predominantly Leftist)

So tell me again how this guy is associated in any way with the Conservative or Tea Party Right? You have no argument Wells. You are a foam-in-the-mouth Leftist who is filled with a hate all you own.

Steve Wells said...


Sarah Palin put Gabrielle Giffords on her crosshairs map. Congresswoman Giffords warned that there might be consequences. There were.

I suspect that you approve of the consequences, though you are too chicken shit to admit it.

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