19 March 2011

Lawrence O'Donnell: The book of Revelation is a work of fiction describing how a truly vicious god would bring about the end of the world.

On his show last night, Lawrence O'Donnell responded to Glenn Beck's comments on the recent tragic events in Japan.

Glenn Beck:

The book of Revelation was written so you would know what it looks like, you would know -- warning! -- in these days these things will happen.

Lawrence O'Donnell:

The book of Revelation is a work of fiction describing how a truly vicious god would bring about the end of the world. No half-smart religious person actually believes the book of Revelation. They are certain that their god would never turn into a malicious torturer and mass murderer beyond Hitler's wildest dreams.

I agree with Lawrence O'Donnell about the book of Revelation. But I'm not so sure about the half-smart religious persons. I suspect there are some half-smart religious persons that believe (or half-believe or half-pretend to half-believe) in the book of Revelation (though most haven't even half-read it).

1 comment:

uzza said...

The entire Bof R is nothing but a description of a flashback. The only rational response to it is "wow, your subconscious sure comes up with some crazy shit, doesn't it?"

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