25 March 2012

Up with Chris Hayes: The Morning After the Reason Rally

In this morning's show, Chris Hayes interviewed Pastor Mike Aus, who is one of the growing number of of active clergy who no longer believe in God. There were other interesting segments on the show, and I recommend that you watch it all, but I found the interview with Mike Aus especially interesting.

Here's the part that I liked best. (Begins around 7:10)
One of the dirty little secrets of Christianity is hardly anyone ever reads the Bible, and I think if they did, the whole thing would be in big trouble.
Amen to that, Pastor Mike.


Stephen said...

Thanks for posting this fascinating interview. There are other bits on the Richard Dawkins web site, but the Reason Rally seems to have been largely ignored by the mainstream media. Suppression? <_<
Steve Weeks

Ian said...

One of the dirty little secrets of Christianity is hardly anyone ever reads the Bible, and I think if they did, the whole thing would be in big trouble.

This is what drove Matt Dillahunty to atheism. He was studying to be an evangelical minister, and yet he couldn't get past the absurdities and cruelties and outright falsehoods in the Bible, and now he's a vocal atheist.

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