31 October 2013

On the road with the SAB: Arkansas to Alabama

After the Reason in the Rock convention was over, Philip and I headed east through Arkansas, Mississippi, and Alabama, passing what must be the highest density of Baptist and Pentecostal churches in the entire world. As we drove we listened to the radio -- Christian radio, that is, since there was nothing else except an occasional country music station. We even got a chance to hear Harold Camping's Family Radio show. You just can't get better entertainment than that.

The hotels all had Gideon Bibles, of course, but some also included a wide assortment of Christian tracts.The titles included: "A lost soul on judgment morning", "The coming of the Lord will be soon", and "Ye must be born again".

Along Interstate 40 we passed many interesting billboards. Here's one that that we saw east of Little Rock.

I especially like the top one, which is taken from Proverbs 23:13-14.
Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die. Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell.
It is, after all, one of one of the 208 ways to get saved. (#110: Ask your parents to beat you with a rod)


Stephen said...

Steve, are you holding the stick you beat Philip with? ;-)

I recently travelled through Indiana and Ohio and saw lots of those bible quotes. Examples: "Jesus is REAL" and "Hell is REAL!"

Keep on truckin'!
Steve Weeks

Stephen said...

Actually, those weren't bible quotes... just made-up shit.
Steve Weeks

Sansevieria Media said...

The "Hell is Real" quote is found on I-71 near Jeffersonville, Ohio - about halfway between Columbus and Cincinnati.

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