05 December 2012

God hates Christmas trees

Those who have read the Bible know that the God of love hates many things. And Christmas trees are on his most hated list.

Here's what he has to say about them.
Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen.... For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest ... with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold. Jeremiah 10:2-4
There are a couple other verses that sound like condemnations of Christmas trees, celebrations, fires, and roast beast. But, hey, it's the Bible. Who knows what the hell it means?
The workman melteth a graven image, and the goldsmith spreadeth it over with gold, and casteth silver chains. He ... chooseth a tree ... to prepare a graven image. Isaiah 40:19-20
He heweth him down cedars ... among the trees of the forest ... yea, he kindleth it, and baketh bread ... he maketh it a graven image ... he roasteth roast, and is satisfied: yea, he warmeth himself, and saith, Aha, I am warm, I have seen the fire. Isaiah 44:14-16
That's what I was just saying to myself: Aha, I am warm, I have seen the fire.


Judah Gabriel Himango said...


You know, you're right. Would you believe it, most of the so-called Christian holidays are not of-Christ at all, but have roots in pagan semitic religions.

Christmas is celebrated on Dec 25, for instance, because of Nimrod's death, which had been celebrated by hundreds of varying cultures for centuries before Messiah. Or Lent's 40 days, for instance, is not a number pulled out of a hat: it was originally meant as 40 days of weeping for Tammuz (Nimrod's son). This weeping for Tammuz is mentioned in Ezekiel, God saying through Ezekiel he hates such idolatry. Easter is named after Ishtar/Eostre/Ashtar/Ashtoreth/Semiramis/Isis, all of which are names by different cultures for the same goddess of fertility, Nimrod's wife, Semiramis.

For these reasons, early Christian America did not celebrate these festivals. In fact, we know from state record books that Christmas was outlawed in Massachusetts for a number of years.

In the case of the Jeremiah verse, God hates people worshiping the trees (you omitted the pieces in Jeremiah 10 about the trees being used to craft wooden idols). IMO, I see only consistency there; nowhere in Scripture is worshiping idols considered a moral, ethical thing.

Anonymous said...

Cromwell outlawed it here centuries ago. Enforcement was difficult.

Unknown said...

Christmas being on December 25th also has many roots in the Sun God Krishna (There's a tiny tiny piece of this in the DaVinci Code as well)

Essentially, the shortest day of the year is December 22nd (The sun is at the lowest point) then 3 days later December 25th it noticably begins to climb back up the sky.

They said that it was 'reborn' or 'risen again'

They also said this being was 'the light of the world' (the Sun seems obvious for this) which is a nickname of Jesus.

Dan said...

mmmmmmmm... there was no such thing as "Christmas trees" in the days of Isaiah or Jeremiah, so these comments have nothing to do with that particular practice... but i suppose you must know that... these comments in Isaiah and Jeremiah are pointing out the disconnect that is so much a part of human thinking about just about everything.

Unknown said...

Yes, there may not have been Christmas trees back then, but the tradition of cutting down an evergreen and putting it inside during the winter was started thousands of years ago in Northern Europe.

Anonymous said...

The passages given are condemning idolatry rather than Christmas. They would cut down the tree and remove its branches, carve it in the shape of an animal or some other idol and overlay it with gold or silver. That Christmas is pagan in origin and therefore detestable to a true Christian, I agree with, but these verses don’t specifically support that as such. Interesting comparison, though.

Matthew Blanchette said...

Hey, JudahGabriel up there; I could have sworn that December 25th was originally a celebration of the birth of the Roman sun god, called Invictus Sol, or "Invincible Sun"; it commemorated the slowly-longer days after the winter solstice. Trees were added on from Celtic and Germanic traditions, after they were absorbed into the ever-enlarging Empire.

In fact, a lot of ancient religions had "birth of dying-and-resurrecting saviour" days, long before the Jesus story; I wonder if THAT has any correlation... ;-)

Brucker said...

I think you'll find that there are a lot of religio-historic figures that are said to have been born or died on December 25th, such as Horus. Make of it what you will.

Brucker said...

Ah, found a big list in the second paragraph here, where the author claims pretty much every deity related to the sun is connected to December 25.

nazani said...

Was just having a convo with a baker friend about the history of god figures made of pastry and bread. Who are we really eating when we eat stollen and gingerbread men?

11-year old Atheist-Libertarian said...

It's an irony that I am seeing ads for 'Christmas Bibles'. Don't you realize the book your selling hates


2.)Selling Christian stuff

Hey, I like presents so I am celebrating Christmas ;).


BluberryNights said...

Well Christmas IS a PAGAN Holiday...
And nowhere in the "Good" Book does it say we should celebrate it..

Christmas is really the CHRIST-MASS...

The LITERAL eating of FLESH and drinking of BLOOD...
Of the body of "Jesus"...

It's basically CANNIBALISM..

"Jesus" birthday supposedly December 25th...
That is NOT in the "Good" Book either...

December 25 being the Winter Solstice...

Oh I could go on and on...Pertaining to how CORRUPTED the "Christianity" of today that so MANY follow is..

Especially about the supposed name of the so called JEWISH Messiah.."Jesus"..

mr.feb.ru@gmail.com said...

I bookmarked your blog, what I suddenly found! It's pretty interesting to be honest. I believe in Christ and for me your blog is very useful to understand how people like you are thinking.

And about Christmas trees theme:
I see (read all the scritures you mentioned) that God is laughing over trees, what are made like gods. God says - they are only trees, they could not help you. And in the same time people are worshiping those dead treess - peopele are stupid!

Keep your blog writing!
Best wishes.

mr.feb.ru@gmail.com said...

I bookmarked your blog, what I suddenly found! It's pretty interesting to be honest. I believe in Christ and for me your blog is very useful to understand how people like you are thinking.

And about Christmas trees theme:
I see (read all the scritures you mentioned) that God is laughing over trees, what are made like gods. God says - they are only trees, they could not help you. And in the same time people are worshiping those dead treess - peopele are stupid!

Keep your blog writing!
Best wishes.

Ben Arkell said...

That was law of Moses. Under the new law, I'm sure he loves them.


Stephen said...

Blogger Ben said...

"That was law of Moses. Under the new law, I'm sure he loves them."

Not according to Matthew:

5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

Steve Weeks

Unknown said...

The Son of YAH is the tree of life. So what the verse in Jeremiyah is saying is to not worship any other god. Although christmas and all of the other "holidays" are wicked and pagan, we can look to the book of Daniel to learn how to dwell peacefully in a world that operates against THE MOST HIGH.
Additionally, not decorating your home during this time of year is not what the bible forbids. Its the idolatry and ignorance that TMH hates. A christmas tree is not to be symbolic of anything.

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