08 March 2009

Solomon was wiser than Heman

And Solomon's wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the children of the east country, and all the wisdom of Egypt. For he was wiser than ... Heman. 1 Kings 4:30-31

I just thought you should know that.


Luke said...

You make me chuckle.

Matt S said...

who's Heman? Aside from master of the universe, that is.

Steve Wells said...


The biblical Heman was a musician, father of 14 or more kids, and is said to be the author of Psalm 88 (which is one of my favorite Psalms).

That's about all that's known about him (except that he apparently had three fathers).

We know a lot more about the real He-Man.

FrodoSaves said...

Interesting that they have such similar hairstyles...

busterggi said...

I disagree!

Eternia was a strong untied kingdom, He-man has kept it one.

Israel, on the other hand, was divided into Israel & Judea by civil war thanks to Soloman's bungling political policies.

I Am said...

The (allegedly) fictional He-man from TV and comics presents a much better example than the book the (allegedly) real Heman comes from.

I think Christians should ask themselves, which would you rather expose your children to, a main character (He-man) who "is largely non-violent and usually only resorts to combat as a last resort, often preferring to outsmart his adversaries, his most violent actions typically consist of picking up an enemy and tossing him away like a rag doll" (wikipedia)


a main character (Yahweh) who violently kills millions upon millions of people in a variety of nasty ways (Dwindling in Unbelief)>?

Eternia with He-man or eternity with God? I think the choice is clear.

Matthew Blanchette said...

How can Solomon be wiser than He-Man? Unless...


Acts 2:38 said...

Very entertaining. Yet, King Solomon was wiser than all men of his day because of the Holy Spirit within him. And if you are wise then you will have God indwelling in you via belief in his name of Jesus and baptism in the same.

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