13 January 2007

How many has God killed? (Complete list and estimated total)

kill ... I wound ... I will make my arrows drunk with blood, and my sword shall devour flesh. -- Deuteronomy 32:39-42

In a previous post, I've listed and counted God's killings in the Bible. But I only included those that said exactly how many were killed by God. I came up with 2,476,633.

But that didn't include some of God's most impressive slaughters. How many did God drown in the flood or burn to death in Sodom and Gomorrah? How many first-born Egyptians did he kill? The Bible doesn't say, so there's no way to know for sure. But it's possible to provide rough estimates in order to get a grand total, and that's what I'm attempting here.

Total with estimates: 25 million.

Here is a complete list of all of God's killings in the Bible.

Much more information about God's killings, with a chapter on each of the 135 killing events, can be found int the book:

Drunk With Blood: God's killings in the Bible


Anonymous said...

Great information! Thanks.

Jason said...

Nice work. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Awesome list!
Where does your estimate for the world population at the flood come from? Just wondering.

Steve Wells said...

"Awesome list!"


"Where does your estimate for the world population at the flood come from?"

Wikipedia estimates the human population in the third millineum BCE to be around 30 million.

My reasoning for the estimated values (such as it is) can be found by following the "?" links in the table.

Unknown said...

Nice. Shows that God is a giantically cruel and masochistic entity and that Satan is a mere normal man who never did anything wrong (other than prove God is an insanely jealous prick)

I'm not going to pray to anyone, but if I started praying to Satan, why should you get worried? Satan never killed anyone and Steve just proved that God created evil.

Jason said...


So angry...

Aaron said...

yea, Christianity tends to paint a horrible picture of who God is. As a follower of Christ, I'm actually glad you and many others are pointing out the fallicies of the religion, "Christianity". Keep on searching out what is good and what is bad in the world, what is true and what is false...
On another note (or as a diclaimer), know that there is something so much bigger, more powerful, and epic about the life I have found. Yea, I do have to look past the annoying, stuck-up dogmaticism of most Christians today, but past their faults isn't a religion, but a way of life. In fact, I'm guessing that you might even be close to finding that way of life...anyways....thanks for not taking life as the happy meal most people want to give you, but as something new and different that you can change... -peace

Roopster said...

Great list. I discovered this while researching data for my blog Daily Bible Readings - 2007. I plan on posting 365 verses that Christians tend to ignore.

Unknown said...

You forgot to include Jesus in the list of people God killed.

Also, I Thessalonians includes an almost certainly interpolated passage in Chapter 2 in which the Jewish War with the Romans is attributed to retribution for the Jews killing Jesus (since Paul died before the war, he couldn't possibly have written the passage). I don't know the casualties from the Jewish War, but whatever they are, anyone who believes in Biblical inerrancy would have to attribute them to God.

And let's not forget all the death and mayhem in the Book of Revelation. It claims a third of the world will be killed--which would be about 2 billion people if it happens in the near future.

Jason said...

God killed Jesus? Chapter and verse, please.

Which verses in 1 Thessalonians 2 talk about the Jewish war with the Romans?

Do you take Revelation to be literal or symbolical?

Anonymous said...

I guess Richard Dawkins's assessment of the OT God was right on the money!

Thanks for that - I was planning to add up all those God killed myself, now I needn't go to the trouble. Looks like it was a good bit of work, considering just how murderaous the bastard was. I'm glad, too, that you didn't neglect Ananias and Saphira!

Anonymous said...

God killed Jesus?

1 John 4:10
Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.

Anonymous said...

Who's that comment for?

Anonymous said...

Apparently no one...

lynn's daughter said...

Let us not also forget all the soldiers that, according to the reverend Fred Phelps, god has killed in retaliation for our tolderance of homosexuality. Nice blog! I hope you won't mind if I link to it.

Anonymous said...

Phelps probably isn't the go-to guy when it comes to this kind of stuff :) What a wacko.

Anonymous said...

This post is a bit silly. You realize that every single individual of mankind who has ever died has been killed by God? For all things are of Him, through Him, and to Him (Romans 11:36). This includes all death (I Samuel 2:6).

If the Bible is truly the inspired Word of God, it makes perfect sense that there's so much killing in the Bible. Why? Simple reason: People die.

Anonymous said...

This sounds like an atheist site, and I would be a little bit careful if I were you. Do you know that if you count everyone that has been killed for a religion, the religion "Atheism" is the one with most blood on it's hands? In 2001, atheist have been killing 31 689 000 christians. Then you have to count everyone else belonging to other religions, killed by atheists, and I think I can tell you that atheists have killed a lot more then you say God have done. Have you counted the people Jesus rose from the dead (in minus?)
And the numbers used here, is not exacly accurate, and just guessings

adsims2001 said...

To the Anon who said that atheism has killed more than Christianity or God, I'd like to see your research for that. How can you say that his numbers are estimates if he cited every source? Your estimate has no citation or research to back it up--plus, atheism isn't a religion, it's a belief. If you want to debate over who has killed more, the site
is a great place to support your beliefs.

Anonymous said...

Many of the numbers listed aren't exact, regardless of whether or not sources are cited. See all those numbers followed by question marks? Those are estimates.

t23 said...

What about Judas? or was that too round about of a snuf, not direct enough? He was after all fulfilling prophecy, enabling Jesus to be sacrificed by God, he then repents and somehow dies, depending on which account you decide to believe.

Anonymous said...

Atheism isn't a belief, it's a lack of belief in just one idea. How many have people who don't believe in fairies or Santa Claus killed? Pillock.

Anonymous said...

"I Thessalonians includes an almost certainly interpolated passage in Chapter 2 in which the Jewish War with the Romans is attributed to retribution for the Jews killing Jesus (since Paul died before the war, he couldn't possibly have written the passage)."

Wes, your a little mistaken here. Paul was not referring to any war. He was talking about the banishment of Jews from Roman provinces in 49 A.D. He was alive and well.

Anonymous said...

Haha :)

But how many did satan/lucifer/The evil one kill ?

Anonymous said...

I have the same question... you show how many people god killed, but didn't named those who where killed by satan... Does anybody have a list??


Steve Wells said...

Here you go, @lfondo: Who has killed more: Satan or God?

Unknown said...

This list would be simply ridiculous, if it wasn't so miserable that people turn away themselves from God because of such speculations.
First a lot of the numbers are mere speculation. Moreover why write down into God's list the numbers of people who fell in wars. If God gave some nation into hands of another, that means He determined the victory, but all the slaughtering was done by people themselves. In that way you could say that God 'killed' almost every victim of every war in the history.
But what is most important is that GOD DOES NOT 'KILL' ANYBODY, life is given by God, it's completely His property and He can take it back at any time and so shall He take mine and yours and everybody's if He wills to.

Ryan Chen said...

Guys, the New Testament stated that we are all predestinated before the world was even created. (sorry I cant recall the exact verse)
This is all just one sick game;
It means that he has all of these planned out from day 0! Yes, including the death of non-believers, christians, and even Judas - poor guy, he didn't even have a choice... :(

Of course, if you feel that I cannot be credited for not making clear references, please disregard this comment.

Jason said...

Arturs - great point.

Ryan - The verse you're looking for is Romans 8:29. The question that begs to be asked however is, is every single believer lumped into the "predestinated" role or is this reserved for people like Moses or Paul or John the Baptist, who were all in some way "firstborn among many brethren" specifically called and chosen to fill a specific role? One more point to consider also: "Predestinate" also means "appoint beforehand". This would seem to support the latter point listed above.

Reaper said...

nice number crunching there but what we need is an estimate of people that have been killed by god or in god's name.....good luck with trying to figure that number out it must be monstrous :)

tegf4 said...

I can not believe you all your so blinded. You none believer waste time trying to calculate all the people God or Satan killed. Well guess what people; this guy does not know the answer either, he is total off.
From the bible’s point of view God did not kill nobody, SIN did. God’s rule is, you SIN you DIE. That is that, you can like it or you can die. God can not do evil, he disoplin evil with death and that is not a bad thing. When you consider that he also made a way for you avoid DEATH.
I am a sinner, so by God’s rule I am a dead man walking. So who killed me? I did. Who made a way for me to avoid death? God did, thru Jesus the only sacrifice aloud by God to have eternal life.
If you really think about, fools, people killed them selves by breaking God’s rules. Think about this; God killed every one that every lived Why because of their SIN! That was the curse by God. Genesis 3:19. In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. So get back to the bible and read before you make stupid commits.
So then who is the blame for your death?
God? No, he made the rules.
Satan? No, he just temps people to sin.
You? Yes!! You are the one to blame. That is, free will, God gave us, so you choose to SIN you pay the punishment, you die.
Now you non believers read the Bible in the first place you can see this.
If God killed people then he needs a savior not us.
You non believers that got caught up in this guys counting should be ashamed of your self’s.
CrownRightsPatriot Your post is close to the answer. But the reason is not that Simple reason: People die. It is that every ones dies because of SIN. There are two deaths, the body and a spirit. Every one will die the body. The second death is if the sinners will not repented and except Jesus then they will have an ever lasting life away form God. Witch will be in HELL where there is darkness, fire and brimstone, mashing of teeth and the worms never dies.
Arturs You are close to but dig deeper. God wants us to live for him to do his will for ever and for us to rebel against him is SIN for he is the one that gave us life in the first place.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

So what happened to "God" being eternally forgiving then? Stop trying to force your ignorance on others.

that weasel said...

To all of the Christians complaining about the "estimated" numbers let me just say this.

The world population as estimated by scientist (30,000,000) is minuscule compared to the 9,000,000,000 estimated by biblical scholars.

that weasel said...

I forgot to specify that those were the estimates for the world population at 2400BCE...

Client Photos said...

PRAISE GOD and His Mighty Name

Joel 2:12 Therefore also now, saith the LORD, turn ye even me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning.
Joe 2:13 And rend your heart, and not your garments and turn unto the LORD your God for he is gracious and merciful, Slow
Anger, and of Great Kindness,repenteth him of the evil.

Client Photos said...

PRAISE GOD and His Mighty Name

Joel 2:12 Therefore also now, saith the LORD, turn ye even me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning.
Joe 2:13 And rend your heart, and not your garments and turn unto the LORD your God for he is gracious and merciful, Slow
Anger, and of Great Kindness,repenteth him of the evil.

alyceclover said...

The Holy Books were carefully guarded and common people only had Holy people's words for the history recorded in them. If Chrisitians have seen ancient Hebrew or Arab script and can read it, they could determine what was written and what the words actually meant. Orthodox Jews will not say G-D's name for fear of being stoned to death for "blasememe".

What that has to do with this is the nitpicker comments: "God" ordered the killings or, as recorded caused deaths to happen.

Yes, the New Testament tells us God knows the number of hair on our heads and knows our hearts and what we will do before we do it.

Basically, he wrote the script already knowing most of us are doomed for eternal hellfire. Sadistic and cruel comes to mind. Those holy books tell us he created "man in our image" or it was a team project. Looking at "man" around you will give you a good idea of who that God is.

I like Buddha much better.

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe how disgusting the bible is. It is my experience that all religions are bad, but christianity has got to take the cake.

The best way to make someone an Atheist is to have them read the bible.

Peace, love, and cooperation. I wish the best for all of you, and I hope for a world of Atheism.

Unknown said...

God killed few people when our focus comes to the evil from the humans over the earth God killed so few people.
Almight GOD praise the Lord

butlimous said...

Thanks for the nice post!

Free PS3

Airelon said...

Hopefully in the near future, he'll destroy about 6,000,000,000 more.

Unknown said...

It's not that much to complain about people! The bible is an interesting piece of work, plenty of nice violent stuff and some very hypocritical proverbs, but at the end of the day, a person's belif decides this. Anyways, you could get arround the whole complaints about the book by noting that this was written by MEN and has been TRANSLATED which is one of the reasons the bible can't make up it's mind.

Fergus said...

As I have spent time on this site, I have found myself asking, "How am I contributing to the pain in the world by my own lack of love?" I believe that if we are genuine in our desire to spread love and life in this world that has so much hate and death, then there is no better place to begin than the self-awareness that we, by our attitudes and actions, can be part of what contributes to its brokenness, as well as its healing. A person I saw speaking on a video said, "If you were able to show on a screen before this crowd the 10 worst things I have ever thought or done, I would not volunteer to be in the room when you did!" We each have the potential to be at times part of what's wrong with our world. This awareness moves me to examine seriously my thoughts and deeds in each given situation to see if they are contributing to the problems in this world - to hate and death - or their solution - love and life. I should say that I am not assuming that any who have posted comments here are not doing this. I thought I'd add this comment, though, as I haven't seen this point in any of the comments made so far.

Uncle Johnny said...

God made us and everything else in this universe. We are His. He and only He may sit in judgement and determine the longevity of our brief lives on this planet (prior to the judgement to come by Him).

I think the regimes taking life, for no reason, should really consider whos power they are usurping and why. For they will be judged by Him. Whether or not you believe, He is your God and you will kneel before Him.

Some additional reading:


Unknown said...

Who died because of Satan?



Uncle Johnny said...

Satan does not have the ability to take life. God made it. He created humans and gave us free will. We can make a choice to love or hate..kill or let live. It is a blessing to have choice. You have the free will to listen to satan's queues or live by the word that He revealed to us in the Bible. Let's not forget that He also became flesh and dwelt among us. In essence, to follow His example.

The article I sited was with respect to atheism. Those without think that what you do in this life has no consequence. The Bible is clear. The things you do in this short life will be revisited. You will be called to account. If you put your faith in Jesus, then He is in your corner when that day comes. If not, you will kneel before him.

You see, whether you believe or not, you will be held accountable. And since you know of Him, you have no excuse.

Happy New Year my brother. God bless you and yours.

Unknown said...


Great list. I'm really curious about the people Satan killed according to the bible. Could you inform me?



Anonymous said...

Where does the estimate of 500 thousand in Ex.12:29-30 come from regarding the firstborns?

Mommykicksbutt said...

Does anyone have any stats on how many people have been murdered by:
1) Xtians against non-xtians
2) Muslims against non-Muslims
3) Jews against non-Jews
4) Xtians against xtians
5) Muslims against Muslims
6) Jew against Jew
7) Non-believers/ atheists/ agnostics against believers (of any and all of the above faiths).

It is my belief that xtians are responsible for more kills in the name of their god and any other group.

Let's set the time frame from 4004 BCE to 1900 CE.

Any help will be great appreciated!

JackTR21 said...

i think god has the high score

Ricochet Zwack said...

SORRY for the hars words. WAKE UP
All you retarded, brainwashed, mass-hypnotized, nincompoop so called christians.
You say GOD sacrificed his only beloved SON for us. So we can go to him.
Let's see; If any one, for any reason would kill their own child,...IT IS CALLED MURDER.
Only a selfish, self-centered goomba (idiot) can think of that by a death of living a being his sins will be forgiven and go to Heaven? Do I really want to go to a Murderer and sitting by his throne with his dead son where everything is gold?
This sounds more EVIL and DEAD and COLD then ICE.
You all really think that the only way to get away from your own guilt and stupid mistakes of your self pitied life is by believing in a gruesome death of Jesus? Believing in a MURDERER as God?
You are all sick puppies,
PS: Religions were MAN MADE, and always invented by some smart or evil smack to gain power over the poor and un-educated. Remember....every war they BURN...WHAT???? Not the BIBLE but the BOOKS. The reason so they can keep you all STUPID, UNEDUCATED while they enjoy life. But with the BIBLE in hand they can keep you in control, in guilt, in shame, in poverty. They linger the never possible gold, fame and glory with God in Heaven in your mind.
Religions create nothing more, but HATRED. Every war every fight and all killings in men’s history were in the name of their God. BILLIONS OF PEOPLE and animals PERISHED from the face of the earth, without any chance to have a full life because they were killed in wars and hatred in the name of God’s LOVE.
GOD CREATED us you say. God created us to his own image and he created the first couple Adam & Eve. They had two children Cain and Abel. Didn’t one brother kill the other?
IT MAKES SENSE TO ME. WE HAVE A MURDERER WHO CREATED US TO HIS IMAGE AND HIS LIKING AND THAT IS WHY starts right off the beginning,... and it will go on till there is ONLY ONE....THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE....and that is your GOD.
Sad.... very, very sad

B-Man said...

To those who are wondering how many people satan killed.

I'm pretty sure I heard somewhere that it was, like, 10 people.

Yeah. It was Job's family. In fact, he killed them as part of a bet with god. :P


Uncle Johnny said...

Good luck! Unsubscribing. All of the Bible half quotes taken out of context is simply disingenuous.

I'll see those of you who put your faith in Jesus in heaven. We'll probably have different stuff to talk about...like, I wonder if those haters and denyers of that "How many has God killed" weblog made it.

Unknown said...

You have a typo.

God tells Joshua to stoned to death Achan (and his family) for taking the accursed thing.

Should read:

God tells Joshua to stone Achan (and his family) to death for taking the accursed thing.

Steve Wells said...

Thanks, mavaddat. I've fixed it.

Ri said...

If you want to believe in a fairy tale, at least pick one that makes sense. One that gives you a GOAL perhaps. Try Taoism, you at least get some advice on how to be happy and grow your spirit. Better then just being told what not to do, and forced to worship the thing that created you.

I prefer rather to to consider that we are all a PART of god.

Christianity serves its purpose quite well, instilling fear into the hearts of the weak minded.

Consider this... If you lived in many other parts of the world, you would not be christian yourself. You are christian because you were raised by christians, or were told it was true during a weak point in your life. Scientology does the same thing.

Sad Really.


Ri said...

BTW Great List! I've always been curious of this.

Also, to anyone who seriously questions the validity of these ESTIMATES.... get real. It could never be exact. Unless, of course, god stood trial in some grand court of the universe. Now THAT I'd like to see.

TLC Tugger said...

I especially love when the big guy deliberately hardens the hearts of people so they can be killed for sport.

And all those cities full of people who just happened to be in the path of the rampaging chosen people? What the hell did they do wrong?

Obviously these stories were written by Man to justify political conquests and a sense of entitlement.

It's too bad bible thumpers don't see how much their god HATES innocent infants and the unborn, who figure prominetly in the total killed.

And go ahead, say "He's God. Everthing is His to do with as He will." You just proved that he's no example of how to live in peace.

EVOLVE to atheism for world peace.

sunny256 said...

Fantastic and very detailed list. Great work. The final proof that the christian god is a psychopath.

Unknown said...

How many has atheists killed?
only in the 20th century
atheist Stalin killed - 50,000,000 people
atheist\buddhist\daosist Mao of china killed - 40,000,000 people
hitler inspired by buddhism and aryan vedic gods killed 60,000,000 people
atheis\buddhist Pol Pot\Khmer Rouge of Cambodia in short time killed millions of people

the list can be hugeeeeee

and what about mongolo-turkic nomadics tribes of asia and their shamanic god thengry ? entire populations were exterminated
what about zeus and jupiter the biggest nations\cultures\history killers ?

what about the cannibal gods of aztecs ?

"the time is gone, the song is over"

kroy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kroy said...

reply to.... "nnn said..."

How many has atheists killed?
hitler inspired by buddhism and aryan vedic gods?????????? etc....

1.hitler born as CHRISTIAN(in childhood must have listened wht God will do if u wont worship Him, Hitler too did same.Hitler must have listened God's story 'why He don't like worshiping other gods.. Bible reason for that God created world 6000 years back in 6 days etc....' so now Hitler also trying to tell lies as God told to make Him ruler. I am sure Hitler never know anything about Buddhism/Vedas but he tried to clime thm(As same as God told He created earth before 6000 years(Lie)).
2.Stalin even went for church Father training too
3.mao lost himself due to china's slavery for hundreds of years and became like that(i am not sure,i think so)

kroy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kroy said...

why u r thinking against Buddha/Vedas they never did any harm to u or to Christianity. eventhough Christians attacked those people with modern weapons which they never know before and made thm slaves. still thy don't blame Christians. they respect all human beings.

Bible told u to hate other thn Christians. Bible told u others r fools, idiots.. Bible stories told u how Christians killed others as word of God..
finally u at least want to blame others for no reason.. and u want to wait for God to come again and start killings again...

eventhough u call some power to come on earth and kill all other people .. Buddha/Vedas tell u "who ever u r 'save Dharma it will save u'".. if u wont save truth, one day ur lie ITSELF make u pay. Truth will simply come to earth again whn all lies die by thmself, Truth has no death..

Reason said...

My question is "why waste all that time trying to calculate how many people God killed? If God condemned all of mankind to death because of adam's sin, then God has killed every person that has died since the creation and will until the end..if there is one.

CASEY JONES tells it like it is... said...

God's reasoning throughout the bible, especially the Old Testament, is "Love me, Fear me, obey me unquestioningly...or die."
I kinda think there have been others with this viewpoint...Hitler, Mugabe, Idi Amin...I could go on.
How can anyone believe in such an obvious psycopathic homicidal maniac?

Unknown said...

God created all and therefore owns all including us. He created life and has the right to take it away. He who created all knows best how it works and therefore is the benchmark for all right and wrong in His creation. Can man create from nothing. If so then we should regard our opinion as well. Until that time our opinion holds no authority and no objectivity.

Anonymous said...

personally i think its all a bunch of garbage created to make people follow laws or else suffer the wrath of "god" i agree with the people that say he's no different from many other dictators that say love me fear me obey me unquestioningly or die. i've also found that people that are mentally unstable tend to believe this nonsense.

Anonymous said...

Also if you read in the Apocryphal texts you will find God warranting more killings, at least to the opinions of those who wrote it.

Anonymous said...

It appears that you guys are not taking a scholarly approach. First, you need to understand God's laws in order to define what is right or wrong according to Him. Else, you should find some other objective "truth" (which you believe to be infallible) and use that to judge Him with. Though this would be like judging boxing with football rules. "KO!" "Foul!" Second, all murder is killing, but not all killing is murder. Most, if not all, of these killings were direct executions of His law. You might argue that some of these people were innocent because they didn't know the law, but if you read some of the messages from the prophets, you will find that, according to the Bible, they didn't solely prophesy to Israel, but they prophesied to other nations. Many can agree that God directly or indirectly (you might be able to add to your list by showing how God used his people and angels to kill also, using the reasoning like Hitler killing so many Jews even though it was his men that actually did it)killed more than any man, other than maybe Adam's cause of ALL death on this planet. You cannot come to conclusions about any book without understanding it in totality. Also, you cannot judge a leader by what his followers do unless he ordered them to do it. Finally you cannot define sin without having a god. Sin is different than breaking the law. Laws are subjective and most religions have had to break laws so that they didn't break their Laws. It is all about seeking out objective truth. (Note, I wrote this really rapidly so wasn't able to correct all the mistakes. I'm currently writing a study on bearing arms so that I can show my pacifist Christian friends. Frankly, this is how I came across this blog. I'll probably not be able to get back here, so if you want to email me, my email is: mailbox1871 at gmail dot com.)

Unknown said...

It requires a great deal of faith to believe in something so much greater than yourself. It is easy to dismiss the creator as myth. I take comfort in my personal belief that a life lived in good conscience will be all that is asked by my God. Believe or not, that is a good life to live.

Remember, darkness is only the absence of light.

lyesmith said...

hmm, Ethiopia, Assyria, Nineveh??


Sandro said...

Hi! Well done!!
I'm gonna post this on my blog too, so i'm trying to translating in italian.
I can't find any results about the number of Amalekites (1000) killed by Joshua. How did you find that number? Thanx!

Steve Wells said...


I generally used 1000 for a standard biblical massacre. It seems a little small in this case, but I try to keep estimates on the conservative side.

fff said...

I'am sorry, have we any information how much Chuck Norris killed? I want to compare...

Anonymous said...

I don't get it. The two common answers that Christians have to this kind of research are:

1. God gave us life, and therefore he has the right to take it away.

2. Because everybody sins and everybody eventually dies, any atrocity committed in the meantime was only hastening the inevitable, and therefore justified.

Could the little infant in his Egyptian mother's arms possibly know anything about the "Law", or slavery, or that the Pharaoh happened to be pissing God off...and could therefore deserve to die along with the other firstborn for the sin of being born Egyptian?

But no, God created life, and so God can just take it away any time he pleases, for whatever reason he pleases.

Give me a break, folks. When Christians give answers like this, is it really any wonder that the rest of us are sitting here biting back disgust and wondering what is WRONG with you?

You who claim to be the bearers of hope and good news in the world, how can your answer to seemingly God-sanctioned killing be "oh well, we all die eventually, so why get so worked up about it?" That is not a message of hope. That is the excuse of tyrants.

Do not turn your nose up at people who create lists like this...perhaps they, like most decent people, do not like it when people are killed, and question anyone who tried to tell them that killing is okay.

A Piper said...

The thing that I have trouble comprehending is the prevalent tendency of concluding Atheism is a natural counter to the realization that the God of history is limited by the minds of the authors to being a projection of their own inner struggles.

We live in a Universe of Universes and there is nothing in the Bible to prepare us for the Life that is surely "out there.' But because the Bible and other religions developed during the infancy of our evolutionary awareness, describe a creator constructed by the projections of their own limitations, that doesn't therefore "prove" that we don't live in a created reality.

It proves that our understanding of our Creator must evolve as our understanding of reality does. It proves that any dogma at some point in time becomes limited and inaccurate due to the needs of the maintainers of the dogma, It does not prove that a Creator (the primary function of God in most religions) doesn't exist and reality and Life are solely chance occurrences.

I do think Atheism has a point in that if religious types didn't have a G-D or Satan to excuse the crappy stuff we've done in HIS name (testosterone projection!) we might all have acted more responsibly - but maybe not....

In my life, and my experience, there are Creative forces all around us that we can tap into and explore. Awareness is a gift of the Creator we are just learning to appreciate.
Loving You

Unknown said...

Well, I think a question that would make all this seem irrelevant is: How many of these people did God give life to?
God gave us all life, & He has just as much a right to take it away.

Unknown said...

Yes, I know my previous answer is probably just what you were expecting, but you have to realize that even though the baby in the Egyptian mother's arms didn't have a clue, he wasn't killed to be punished. Maybe as a punishment for those who didn't follow God's law, but not the baby. As as for the baby, he went to heaven.

It's important to remember that God has purposes for all the things He does, and also that things have changed now that there's a New Testament. God didn't want to carry things out the way He was forever. He planned for sin & punishment to run a new course, which is as it stands today. Where there are more than second chances, and a new kind of forgiveness & salvation.

Unknown said...

Why do so many people think that God's job is to clean up the mess we make of things (or to stop problems we create). God gave us free-will and with it we have to accept responsibility for our actions - and not look to God as a way of avoiding consequences.Why did you choose your life? You can blame only yourself.
You are God and you chose it.

Nhu said...

@ pentha - LOL
Hmmm, Christianity is so confusing..
Buddhism is much better.

Unknown said...

If it was never yours to begin with, what makes you think you have the right to complain when it is taken away...

hmm.. I'm not sure i agree with what i just said. but it is a thought.

i kinda' like the "old testament" argument. but I believe in taking the entire Bible literal. i regret that I have not yet read the entire book, so perhaps my opinion is invalid. I know only this: God is Love, and I love God. entirely, illogically, and unethically. a better argument against God is not, why has he killed so many, but perhaps why has we let so many live, rather, this is a matter of who has been spared. should every evil man be permitted to live?
Who, or what defines evil?

Lord Floppington said...

Seems that if you don't believe in God, none of the killings can be attributed to him. So we can't place blame on God.

And if you do believe in God, part of God's nature is that we can't know or comprehend the reasons God may have for doing things. So, once again, we have no standing to blame God, or, at least we have no way of knowing that God didn't kill for good reasons.

On top of that, we don't really have to look to God for big kill numbers. Mao almost certainly killed at least 30 million of his own people, and Stalin probably got close to that number himself.

Unknown said...

This list is not complete!

The Bible says in Hebrews 9:27 "And it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:"

God has pronounced the death penalty on every person that has ever lived. Look around you! Has anyone survived longer than a few generations? No! God has killed them all.

I only wish to clarify the fact that all men die by the commandment of God.

So what if He offers a new life of happiness and joy.
So what if He Himself was sacrificed at the hands of mankind at the cross.
So what if he has already paid the price for this "sin". Let's stick it to Him. Let's make Him die again!

The day is coming and will soon be here, when you can tell Him of your ignorance of His gruesome death at the hands of man as a reconciliation for our suffering.

It is a wicked thing to deny that God died and rose again to reconcile the world unto Himself and make things right.
It is a wicked thing to hold God accountable for acts that He has already paid for.

2 Corinthians 5:18  And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;
19  To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.
20  Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.

Unknown said...

Everybody that was killed deserved every last bit of it. This world was filled of people with dirty things, and it still is! God has his ways, and you just have to trust him, and this whole thing was taken out of context, you guys need to realize what they did, and why they deserved it! GOD IS AWESOME! AND HE WILL REIGN FOREVER AND EVER! :)

Robken said...

Jesse, if Jesus came back you would kill him again. Religion is the curse of a civilized world - tell me what is awesome about God all I have experienced is how God has created mayhem, misery, death, destruction, untold suffering and the devastation of humanity. I went to chapel every morning but after seeing how Christians behave I became an Atheist. The list is only biblical the death that Christians are responsible for outside the bible is even greater. Perhaps one you out there may have this list too?

Demidog said...

How does one credibly claim to suspend belief in the bible and then use it without any suspension of belief?

Just askin'...

Demidog said...

I do want to also say that I am surprised the bible makes it ok to kill babies since they are going to heaven. Maybe that will finally stop the abortion argument once and for all.

Unknown said...

Thank you for the list to put history of humanity in perspective! Wow, we're good, huh?

Current religious writings appear to contain some truths that have been corrupted by estranged ideology of humans; as anyone can see, they contain contradictory and illogical ideas.

Faith, as a cornerstone of religions, dictates by definition with its meaning a "deep seated belief in the absence of knowledge". This is a fundamentally flawed approach to gain wisdom, truth, knowledge, harmony... ie, everything religions stand for.

Let's evolve and drop religions for the sake of humanity. Future generations will thank us for sparing them these troubles we have.

Satan ~10, God(s) ~30 million.

Tina said...

You all may find it interesting that God was the last one who wanted these people dead. God loves His creation so much that He sent His son to this wretched earth to save us from eternal death. I believe that God had to do this because He is just and He can't stand sin.
Thankfully, He has sent His son to provide a way out of our misery that we ourselves made. When I look at this earth, I see so many who are dead and have no life. I believe we accept this death from Satan and if we die in our sin we will have to face the second death that the Bible talks about. But God provided a way out of this death and it is open to all who really believe. God brings life, Satan brings temptation, we bring sin.
Christianity starts with faith. I had to start with faith, but what's interesting, is that when I read the Bible more and studied science, history, logic and philosophy, I saw that the Bible is TRUE!!! It amazed me afterward, because I started with faith and not evidence. At the base, is faith, but once you believe your eyes are opened and you can see the truth that was right under your nose the whole time. The Bible says that whoever believes in his heart and confesses with his mouth that Jesus is Lord and that God raised Him from the dead, will be SAVED! The Bible also says that God does not want ANYONE to perish, but all to come to a knowledge of Him and His salvation.
I believe these people sealed their own fate when they sinned, and God even warned them that the penalty for sin was death. But look, all of us have fallen. We each are in need of grace. God is just, but He also is good, compassionate, and He is love.

Robken said...

If I did believe in a God it wouldn't be a God that killed his son or wanted others to kill their sons and daughters. Numbers are not really what matter here, what matters is love and compassion and an a tolerance for all things, and I see very little this in any religious organization. If everything is already ordained, and that we were just put down on Earth and told "the rest is up to you", then what is the purpose of praying? If God is ALMIGHTY why the devil. Ok, I get it! the Devil is us, or we become the devil and/or hell is what we make it. Well, I'm sorry I prefer enlightenment of the SELF. If I had to choose a spiritual system it would be, without question, Buddhism. Buddhism shows you the way, without telling you the way, it doesn't say you will go to hell for not believing in me and spend eternity in some kind of inferno. Killing children in Africa with this worm that gets into the head is totally unnecessary or a million other examples of death, destruction, misery and total depravity. No, you are your own God and you must sort yourSELF out, all other God are vanity. Christianity from day one has been corrupt, vengeful, powermad, hypocritical, and intolerant. Popes had anyone that came in their way, or where Atheist, or any other reason that they didn't like, assassinated or burnt at the stake as a heretic. I'm sorry, but Christianity is responsible for spilling so much blood that it will never be forgiven - Religion is the Devil. Lastly, Christians always bring up that others to killed millions and that is the trap they fall into every time they utter such nonsense - reason: Christians are not meant to behave like the devil, but the devil is.

Unknown said...

According to the bible GOD created everything, and GOD knows everything. According to the Bible god created all the angels of heaven, including lucifer. So, if GOD knows everything (before it even happens) then surely GOD knew that Lucifer, according to the bible, would defy him, rebel, and fall with 1/3rd of all of the angels. And according to the bible that he would be EVIL. So basically GOD created evil.

So, why did god create the angel Lucifer in such a way that he would fail and take 1/3rd of all the angels with him? This is simple really. GOD needed lucifer.
Why? Because without the ultimate evil, the ultimate good couldn't exist. With no contrast everything would just be "normal". We would have nothing to compare GODS greatness to.

The same can be said about why GOD placed the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the garden when he KNEW man would fail and eat from it anyway.

How many people, if they had the power, would seriously create something that they knew would turn into this horrible evil monster (as the bible depicts satan)? I know I wouldn't. I'm sure plenty of sicko's would. Hence GOD.

I don't know, but this seriously doesn't add up to me. And if it is true, there is no way GOD can be good.

Interesting article though.

Unknown said...

According to the bible GOD created everything, and GOD knows everything. According to the Bible god created all the angels of heaven, including lucifer. So, if GOD knows everything (before it even happens) then surely GOD knew that Lucifer, according to the bible, would defy him, rebel, and fall with 1/3rd of all of the angels. And according to the bible that he would be EVIL. So basically GOD created evil.

So, why did god create the angel Lucifer in such a way that he would fail and take 1/3rd of all the angels with him? This is simple really. GOD needed lucifer.
Why? Because without the ultimate evil, the ultimate good couldn't exist. With no contrast everything would just be "normal". We would have nothing to compare GODS greatness to.

The same can be said about why GOD placed the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the garden when he KNEW man would fail and eat from it anyway.

How many people, if they had the power, would seriously create something that they knew would turn into this horrible evil monster (as the bible depicts satan)? I know I wouldn't. I'm sure plenty of sicko's would. Hence GOD.

I don't know, but this seriously doesn't add up to me. And if it is true, there is no way GOD can be good.

Interesting article though.

esca8652 said...

There's many people who die in the Bible from wrongdoings and even the innocent (babies). When I look at today all the people who have done wrongdoings I see few that die from God's wrath. It's very tough for me to believe that all that is in the Bible can be justified. I believe that you don't have to be a Rocket Scientist to know what's wrong and right. Not to mention The Bible speaks God's word. But honestly does it sound like God's word?? I picture God speaking uncomprehendible wisdom and creativity, because God is insanely amazing. Creativity is lacking immensely also, very very very peculiar looking at the amazing creations that he has weilded. Even if God did create the Bible, he stooped it down many levels, I would go as far as to say too many, as like I said the word of God, sounds similar to that of a human. Also another huge issue is that creation began roughly 6000 years ago, from 2 people, that would mean everyone is related, tough to believe. Even tougher is that we went from 2 people 6000 years ago to over 6.85 billion people within that short of a time span, I've done the math that's close to 900,000 people being born everyday until present day. That is scientifically impossible, due to the gestation period of humans. And some might say back in the day it was a sped up process, but I don't think that's God's "style", God is immensely patient, why would he speed it up. Unfortunately I haven't stumble upon any scripture that tells me the gestation period of humans. Also I read that back when Adam and Eve were, it is understood that incest was ok in order to fulfil God's wish for us to multiply. Fast-forward further on into the Bible, and now he says it is a sin to have sex with your sister. That is two things; a double standard which isn't just, and a major contradiction in that we came from Adam and Eve and both we're all related and so in all technicality, we have to have sex with our sister to reproduce and multiply. There's some science that can give us some insight into this matter; our DNA is all similar, yes, but our DNA is also similar to all humans and animal alike. With that aside, the DNA of 2 related people consistenly looks strikingly similar, and the physical appearance of those two people support that science. So you take 2 people who are completely unrelated and there is a much greater difference between the two of them, and again the difference in physical appearance supports this theory. You can do this experiment for years and years and the consistence of these findings are going to be undeniably that of a coincidence. I have other major issues but I think I've said enough.

P.S. I know my grammar is terrible. I'm typing as I'm thinking of it. I did not attempt to use proper punctuation and sentence configuration.

esca8652 said...

There's many people who die in the Bible from wrongdoings and even the innocent (babies). When I look at today all the people who have done wrongdoings I see few that die from God's wrath. It's very tough for me to believe that all that is in the Bible can be justified. I believe that you don't have to be a Rocket Scientist to know what's wrong and right. Not to mention The Bible speaks God's word. But honestly does it sound like God's word?? I picture God speaking uncomprehendible wisdom and creativity, because God is insanely amazing. Creativity is lacking immensely also, very very very peculiar looking at the amazing creations that he has weilded. Even if God did create the Bible, he stooped it down many levels, I would go as far as to say too many, as like I said the word of God, sounds similar to that of a human. Also another huge issue is that creation began roughly 6000 years ago, from 2 people, that would mean everyone is related, tough to believe. Even tougher is that we went from 2 people 6000 years ago to over 6.85 billion people within that short of a time span, I've done the math that's close to 900,000 people being born everyday until present day. That is scientifically impossible, due to the gestation period of humans. And some might say back in the day it was a sped up process, but I don't think that's God's "style", God is immensely patient, why would he speed it up. Unfortunately I haven't stumble upon any scripture that tells me the gestation period of humans. Also I read that back when Adam and Eve were, it is understood that incest was ok in order to fulfil God's wish for us to multiply. Fast-forward further on into the Bible, and now he says it is a sin to have sex with your sister. That is two things; a double standard which isn't just, and a major contradiction in that we came from Adam and Eve and both we're all related and so in all technicality, we have to have sex with our sister to reproduce and multiply. There's some science that can give us some insight into this matter; our DNA is all similar, yes, but our DNA is also similar to all humans and animal alike. With that aside, the DNA of 2 related people consistenly looks strikingly similar, and the physical appearance of those two people support that science. So you take 2 people who are completely unrelated and there is a much greater difference between the two of them, and again the difference in physical appearance supports this theory. You can do this experiment for years and years and the consistence of these findings are going to be undeniably that of a coincidence. I have other major issues but I think I've said enough.

P.S. I know my grammar is terrible. I'm typing as I'm thinking of it. I did not attempt to use proper punctuation and sentence configuration.

William said...

I've been following your site for a little over a year now and I just now got around to reading over some of your older posts.

I don't really like commenting, but after reading this post I had to. That is some great information, you had to have put a lot of effort into making this list.

You definitely got a rise out of a few people here haha. Once again a love the blog keep it up!


Tina said...

I've been reading people's questions, and it's GREAT that they want to know the truth!!!!!! So if you're interested in the truth, read Mere Christianity, and it will explain all the questions that I've read. It's amazing and CS Lewis is very wise.

David said...

If you take got and the angels out of the whole babylon story see how it changes.

1. an angry mob was after lot for some reason.

2. He created a distraction and fled. The town get destroyed at the same time. He probably lite his house on fire. In those days it was a major problem because one fire could burn the whole town down.

3. his wife looked back to he killed her.

4. then he had sex with both of his daughters.

5. then he blamed it all on god and if any one dares question him he'll probably burn their town to the ground. I mean god will do it.


Unknown said...

I'm interested not only in the number of people god killed in the bible, but how many were killed in his name total, how many people have lost their lives in the name of Christianity? Since around 315b.c when Christians were allowed to practice. I have been unable to find an exact number or even a rough estimate.

Unknown said...

This train of commentary is very entertaining, but has anyone really asked the simple question, "Where is the proof?" I mean really.. If an new theory or fact is proposed to the world at large the scrutiny it undergoes is immense. Not so for faith. That is taboo and to question the word of God is heresy. Hmmmm. Does that sound familiar? Does the inquisition come to mind to any one besides me? Let's grow up as a species. Come on, we are so much better than this diatribe on the proof of substance as it relates to the tooth fairy, santa claus and his holiness. Give me a break.

JP Morgan Chase said...

With the Egyptian protest this is a good blog and i'mma read it, that's my question as well how many Egyptians were killed because of God, the Christian God?

Tony Phillips said...

Completely absurd post. First, to count the Bible as a factual account, would mean you have to believe what the Bible says is true, which most Atheist do not, so you cannot use those numbers to fill up the "God kiled" tank. Also is the fact that according to the numbers, Atheism has killed far more people than Christianity or religion in general.



Steve Wells said...


Completely absurd post. First, to count the Bible as a factual account, would mean you have to believe what the Bible says is true, which most Atheist do not, so you cannot use those numbers to fill up the "God kiled" tank.

You're right, Moondoggie. I don't believe that any of these killings actually happened. There was no world-wide flood of Noah, no fiery serpents, no prophet-eating lions, no children-killing bears, no divinely fashioned hemorrhoids, no rotting body part messages, no giants for God to kill. Samson didn’t kill thirty men for their clothes, David didn’t buy a wife with 200 Philistine foreskins, and Jehu didn’t murder entire families for God. God is, in fact, entirely innocent of all of the killings on the list, insofar as an imaginary being can be innocent or guilty of anything.

You see, Moondoggie, it's not my beliefs that I am laughing at. It's yours.

A Piper said...

By my understanding of The Creator - "God" is responsible for all Death. Why weren't all things created eternal and free from pain? Wouldn't that have been possible for the All Mighty? So it seems to me the question is moot - God has killed all Life, and Created all Life in a dynamic circle of energetic progression. Stop judging and dig the ride... Do what you can to make it better, for I do feel we are all called to Create - Heaven here on Earth....
Loving You

Steve Wells said...

A Piper,

God has killed all Life, and Created all Life in a dynamic circle of energetic progression. Stop judging and dig the ride.

Oooooh. A dynamic circle of energetic progression. I can did that!

So when God burns people to death, it's OK. It's just an energetic cosmic progression. Celebrate it.

Necronima said...

HAHHA! YOU KILLED YOURSELF which we all know you did not do christianity is a false religion , and your fake JESUS/GOD does not exist this is why people like you live your life in a nut shell..god says your just a dead man walking -.- really did he says this ? did you hear it come out of his mouth no you just believe what you are told and ignore reality look back on the bloody history of christianity not only the bible if you want more information on it go to youtube and search for Royallove23 and zeustruth's pages

Prayer said...

Obviously you are not a true laborer of the word of God. Some people tend to ignore Figures of Speech, Idioms and Orientalisms, and take many things in the word literally, when they shouldn't. In the Old Testament there are many apparent contradictions that revolve around the general theme of God killing or hurting someone. The flood of Noah, the Tower of Babel, the Sodom and Gomorrah incident and the plagues upon Egypt all fall into this category and there are many others. These incidents seem to contradict what we know from the New Testament about our Heavenly Father.
To understand these records and verses one must understand idioms used in the Bible. An idiom is a usage of words in a culture that have a meaning other than their strict dictionary definitions. For example, in American vernacular if someone says, "Mr. Jones kicked the bucket last week," that is an idiomatic way of saying, "Mr. Jones died last week." In the Old Testament, God uses an idiom in which a verb is used in a permissive sense. What is written as the Lord "smote Uzzah" was actually the Lord "allowed Uzzah to be smitten." God set up His laws and man can break himself on them if he so desires. God also set up the law of gravity, but only a fool would think that God killed a man who jumped off a ten-story building. The man killed himself by violating God's law of gravity. So the true picture in the Scriptures is that the adversary steals, kills, and destroys. Man allows this to happen as he attempts to break God's laws.

alysdexia said...

Prayer, some of these deaths were by god in the first hand/person.

Chocolat said...

Are you an atheist? If so, you don't believe in God, in which case God never killed any of those people because he doesn't exist, in your opinion, and for an atheist the bible is just a book of myths or stories. So, according to an atheist's worldview, PEOPLE are actually the immoral and cruel ones who killed all those other people. Oh, and the others were offed by natural disasters. Using the argument that God is cruel/immoral to disprove his existance is odd to me. If he's cruel and immoral, then he exists. Maybe you're an agnostic and not an atheist?

TrevorT said...

i picked up this book and started readin it cause i broke my arm and have nothing else to do. anyway who is the protaganist? i hear x-ians saying god is benevolent, but lucifer gave us freethought and freewill, and morality. and there are 2million confirmed kills for god, and he only cured 10 lepors (if you believe jesus is god) and a few "miraculous healings", whereas the free thought we god from satan allow science and medical knowlege saving millions all the time.

Unknown said...

Why not just go to gotquestions.org Ask them questions and they'll answer it honestly and if you have a question to their answer, just ask a follow-up question. I mean it's easier than to take in all the different answers on this thread and trying to put them in one. Peace.

Unknown said...

Why not just go to gotquestions.org Ask them questions and they'll answer it with honesty and if you got a question to their answer just ask a follow-up question. I mean it's easier than to take all the different answers on this thread and trying to put them into one. Just my two cents, peace.

Chockimon said...

People need to think beyond the Bible when it comes to creation. There are many possibilities. According to Gnostic texts, God simply created Adam and entrapped us here to study the spark that is our soul. The soul matrix is more evolved/complex than both God or Satan and comes from and is part of the God most high.

On the other hand, we are all basically just AI (Order & Chaos) living inside a simulation, governed by the laws of quantum mechanics and seeking knowledge and our quest for the ultimate answer to our purpose/existence and it's all just an illusion/delusion. Alpha & Omega.

Nuffsaid said...

What a whole lot of bullshit you researched here my man.
Seriously you spend your time wasting it on reseaching about how many wicked people got killed by God. See it this way, if i create something..lets say a model airplane, and for some reason its not flying as i like it to fly, and no matter how hard and how much time i spend on it i just can't get it to fly properly. So i end up trashing it and burn it. That way i got rid of the thing that was going to make me so proud of my handywork, but it ended up making me so angry and so disappointed that i had to get rid of it.
Now those of you that are against God in all aspects of life, just think of yourself as a model aircraft with a screwed up wing :)

Chirstisreal said...

Ok so you are trying to get rid of GOD! that isn't cool but why should I worry about it you can't
get rid of GOD! He is everlasting
to everlasting you tell me how the world is made and don't tell me the
big bang therory! oh and about the
killing that GOD did GOD is a just GOD and his pacince runs out sometimes and he does get angery
but He has rightous anger and I end with this verse.

Proverbs 30:6- Do not add to His words,Lest He rebuke you, and you be found a liar.

Anonymous said...

God kills every living creature twice:first by some predator,if it survives he(it) kills it by aging.
Your blames are too modest!

Unknown said...

LOVE the book! The really scary thing is, "true believers" will merely shrug and say, "Hey, it's OK if GOD does it. The moral laws don't apply to him." Nope, they surely do not. That would make god A-moral.

mickd3 said...

I was watching a prophecy program tonight and the host said one third of the world was going to die in a war. What kind of a useless god allows these kind of things to happen?