09 October 2009

God's Killings in Joshua

Here's a summary of God's killings in Joshua.
Killing Event Verse Estimated number killed Cumulative total
1 The Jericho Massacre Joshua 6:21 1000 1000
2 A family are stoned and burned to death Joshua 7:10-12, 24-26 5 1005
3 The Ai Massacre Joshua 8:1-25 12,000 13,005
4 God makes the sun stand still so Joshua can get his killing done before dark Joshua 10:10-11 5000 18,005
5 Five kings killed and hung on trees Joshua 10:24-26 5 18,010
6 Massacre of seven kingdoms Joshua 10:28-42 7,000 25,010
7 Remaining kingdoms massacred Joshua 11:8-12 10,000 35,010
8 More giant killing Joshua 11:20-21 5,000 40,010

Let me know if I've missed any.


Matthew Blanchette said...

On the Eighth Killing of Joshua, the LORD God gave to me:

Eight giants slaughtered;

Seven kingdoms massacred;

Six of the rest demolished;

Five murdered kings;

Four days of Sun;

Three thousand killed;

Two families stoned;

and the walls of Jericho destroyed!

Ah, what a lovely holiday...

twillight said...

Oh yeah. With 600,000 man at arms it doesn't sounds like that big of a job, does it?
Some little Hitler he was. Oh well, people are like their gods in these stories.

Baconsbud said...

I am alway confused by how they call this god good yet you find so much that they will call evil if it is a human that does it.

The Biblical Christian said...

"I am alway confused by how they call this god good yet you find so much that they will call evil if it is a human that does it."

When humans do it, it is fundamentally different. Humans kill for their own greed. But when God does it or He commands them to do so, it is justified, for He is God. We cannot judge Him according to our moral values, since His morals are different from ours, and His is the correct one always.

Baconsbud said...

Talk about a load of crap. All you are doing saying that is justifying the hate your religion has. So you believe killing babies are good godly morals damn how sick you and your religion really are.

Anonymous said...
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sconnor said...

The Biblical Christian

But when God does it or He commands them to do so, it is justified, for He is God. We cannot judge Him according to our moral values, since His morals are different from ours, and His is the correct one always.

So, the supreme moral giver, can't be held to the morals he commands?

So, because god created us, he can do anything to us -- even the most heinous, sick and unimaginable, violation one can conceive of?

The only difference, between a genocidal maniac; a repulsive murderous psychopath; and god, is god, created us -- right?

You are a sick, sick deluded christian drone.

Using your asinine logic, we can NOT hold your imaginary invisible bible-god -- who maliciously caused people to suffer (drowning, famine, war, being burned to death, pestilence) -- to the same standards; the ONLY standard we possess to make that determination and a standard supposedly, created and instilled, into our souls, by god? unbelievable?!?!

According to the bible -- doesn't this quote, below, from scripture, suggest that god invites unjustified suffering on his earthly children?

1Sam 15:3 The Lord says, Go and attack the Amalekites! Destroy them and all their possessions. Don't have any pity. Kill their men, women, children, and even their babies.

Many deluded christians have to do mighty back-flips and mental gymnastics in order to condone bible-god's, sadistic actions by offering bloated rationalizations like the Amalekite children were being sacrificed to false gods, and children living with evil people would be better of dead, or god's morals are different blah, blah, blah.

So, lets get this straight, an all-loving, god created these children and babies, knowing they would be abused and suffer egregiously, with evil people (which god created according to scripture), some of them being burned alive, in heinous sacrificial offerings, but still chose to put these innocent children and babies in these vile, unimaginable situations anyway?

And god's only solution to the problem was to rescind his commandment of thou shall not kill, thereby ordering in a barbaric army of men, to destroy everyone, including, pregnant women and innocent children and babies, showing them no pity, using the primitive weapons of the day -- cutting throats, chopping off heads, plunging swords into bellies, bludgeoning and eviscerating, causing some to suffer for hours or days as they slowly died?

Now these same psychotic christians (like yourself) will assert that god gave them life, so he can take it -- BUT why did he have to cause them to SUFFER in egregious unthinkable ways first?

Why would an all-loving, god create and send these children into these horrific situations, in the first place?

And why would a god -- who could simply wish the universe into existence -- not just simply wave his hand and make these children disappear into his awaiting arms, forgoing all the immense pain and mass suffering?

In an attempt, to salvage your god-concept's despicable, reputation, with absurd rationalizations and strained excuses, insanely, condoning your god's reprehensible atrocities, in the old testament, you completely contradict, "love your neighbor". You have effectually, rendered "love your neighbor as yourself and turn the other cheek and thou shalt not kill", obsolete. Additionally this renders the Good Samaritan Parable and an all-loving god obsolete and paints your god as a miserable, hypocrite and a sadistic torturer of souls, who doesn't practice what he preaches.


Baconsbud said...

sconnor your reply was way better then mine and I have to say I completely agree with you.

The Biblical Christian said...

"You disgust me; Christianity is no religion of love."

Christianity IS a religion of love.

1 John 4:8 - Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.

The Biblical Christian said...

“So, the supreme moral giver, can't be held to the morals he commands?”
It’s more like saying that His morals are always correct, no matter what He does.

“So, because god created us, he can do anything to us -- even the most heinous, sick and unimaginable, violation one can conceive of?”
Yes, He has the full right to do anything to us humans.

“The only difference, between a genocidal maniac; a repulsive murderous psychopath; and god, is god, created us -- right?”
That is a huge difference, a difference that makes everything different. Another crucial difference is that God is correct, while the psychopath is influenced by Satan to do so.

“Using your asinine logic, we can NOT hold your imaginary invisible bible-god -- who maliciously caused people to suffer (drowning, famine, war, being burned to death, pestilence) -- to the same standards;”
That is true.

“ the ONLY standard we possess to make that determination and a standard supposedly, created and instilled, into our souls, by god? unbelievable?!?!”
Unbelievable, but still true.

The Biblical Christian said...

“According to the bible -- doesn't this quote, below, from scripture, suggest that god invites unjustified suffering on his earthly children?”
Who are we humans to say that what He does is unjustified? I mean, I do agree that it sometimes does seem cruel, but we can NOT say that He is evil or anything because He does. We are simply to comply to His orders.

“1Sam 15:3 The Lord says, Go and attack the Amalekites! Destroy them and all their possessions. Don't have any pity. Kill their men, women, children, and even their babies. “
Your point is?

“Many deluded christians have to do mighty back-flips and mental gymnastics in order to condone bible-god's, sadistic actions by offering bloated rationalizations like the Amalekite children were being sacrificed to false gods, and children living with evil people would be better of dead, or god's morals are different blah, blah, blah.”
I don’t try to rationalize anything. I just believe as it is written, and questioning is not for me to do.

“So, lets get this straight, an all-loving, god created these children and babies, knowing they would be abused and suffer egregiously, with evil people (which god created according to scripture), some of them being burned alive, in heinous sacrificial offerings, but still chose to put these innocent children and babies in these vile, unimaginable situations anyway?”
Yes, He did. The Bible does not tell us why He created them for that fate, but He did, and we are not to question it.

“And god's only solution to the problem was to rescind his commandment of thou shall not kill, thereby ordering in a barbaric army of men, to destroy everyone, including, pregnant women and innocent children and babies, showing them no pity, using the primitive weapons of the day -- cutting throats, chopping off heads, plunging swords into bellies, bludgeoning and eviscerating, causing some to suffer for hours or days as they slowly died?”
Yes. Again, we do not know why He did so instead of finding a more peaceful method, but He did so and we are not to question it.

“Now these same psychotic christians (like yourself) will assert that god gave them life, so he can take it -- BUT why did he have to cause them to SUFFER in egregious unthinkable ways first?”

How am I exactly psychotic?

“Why would an all-loving, god create and send these children into these horrific situations, in the first place?”
His having done so does not contradict the fact that He is love.

“And why would a god -- who could simply wish the universe into existence -- not just simply wave his hand and make these children disappear into his awaiting arms, forgoing all the immense pain and mass suffering? “
The Bible does not tell us, but He must have had his reasons.

“In an attempt, to salvage your god-concept's despicable, reputation, with absurd rationalizations and strained excuses, insanely, condoning your god's reprehensible atrocities, in the old testament, you completely contradict, "love your neighbor".”
I don’t see how we are not loving our neighbors. We Christians are always told to love our neighbors.
“ You have effectually, rendered "love your neighbor as yourself and turn the other cheek and thou shalt not kill", obsolete. Additionally this renders the Good Samaritan Parable and an all-loving god obsolete and paints your god as a miserable, hypocrite and a sadistic torturer of souls, who doesn't practice what he preaches.”
There is no hatred in God.

The Biblical Christian said...

"All you are doing saying that is justifying the hate your religion has."

Again, there is no hatred in Christ or Christianity.

"So you believe killing babies are good godly morals damn how sick you and your religion really are."

If the Bible says that it is morally okay, then it is. But the Bible condemns abortion as a sin.

Quantum_Flux said...

I really think the word "sealed" means castrated in the book of Revelation. God does this with the sword of his mouth in order to protect his people from the whore of Babylon:

Revelation 2:16 - Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth.

Revelation 7:4 - And I heard the number of them which were sealed (castrated): and there were sealed (castrated) an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel.

Revelation 19:2 - For true and righteous are his judgments: for he hath judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication (except the 144,000), and hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand.

sconnor said...

The Biblical Christian,

I don’t see how we are not loving our neighbors. We Christians are always told to love our neighbors.

I can tell you have a difficult time digesting information.

My argument had nothing to do with your lame cult.

My argument posits that "love your neighbor", "turn the other cheek" and "the good Samaritan parable" are rendered useless when you juxtapose god's deplorable, hypocritical actions of NOT turning the other cheek, and NOT loving your neighbors and NOT treating people with decency. Do...you...under...stand?

And while I'm thinking of it, explain the logic behind a god who preaches, "Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another." Colossians 3:13 ~and~ "Forgive not seven times but forgive seventy times seven." Matthew 18:21-22 -- with a god who will dole out unimaginable suffering and torture you for an eternity simply because someone didn't believe in him?

I said, “Now these same psychotic christians (like yourself) will assert that god gave them life, so he can take it -- BUT why did he have to cause them to SUFFER in egregious unthinkable ways first?”

How am I exactly psychotic?

Notice how you couldn't address the question specifically.

And as for being psychotic -- consider your bizarre attempts to justify an ALL-loving god with the egregious atrocities committed or commanded by bible-god.

It's called Cognitive dissonance -- look it up, you f-ing lunatic.

You must offer bloated, strained rationalizations to protect your warped feeble beliefs.

You're also a psychotic christian who has fabricated an insanely and fantastic, massive delusion by idiosyncratically interpreting the supposed word of god; the superstitious, spurious words of scripture, and erroneously attributing feelings to your god-character. You are pretending to have a "relationship" with a fictional character out of a book, that only exists in the confines of your insanely limited mind.

Furthermore, you believe an invisible Jewish zombie can make you live forever if you symbolically perform a cannibalistic ritual, by eating his flesh and by telepathically letting him know you love him and accept him as your savior so he can remove the magical sin curse that was perpetrated by Satan disguised as a talking snake -- cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo.

And all of this bullshit you believe in, can NOT be substantiated with ANY objective evidence. These bullshit beliefs are NOTHING but a figment of your delusional imagination.

sconnor said...


The bible is a spurious, collection of separate, ancient stories, written by differing men, using the -- supposed, voice of god -- so as to give it a bogus sense of credibility, and authority where there was none to begin with, which came together, slowly, over time, that dealt with how a primitive superstitious people understood, what god meant to them, during their own specific, time period and their own specific culture. Anything after that is interpretation, speculation or delusional gullibility, which gets us the perverted ideas, beliefs and agendas of so many christian religions. Your god is nothing but a human construct a fictional character out of a book -- a figment of your imagination, a definition, based on your myopic, interpretation of scripture and flights of fancy.

Point is the bible is a hodgepodge of ideas; a virtual grab-bag, where anyone can pick and choose, making it mean whatever they want it to mean, so they can support any deluded agenda they want.

Additionally, the bible most certainly does NOT show itself as something written by or inspired by a divine hand -- to the contrary; it is replete with major gaps of logic, inconsistencies, contradictions and vile atrocities.

The Almalekite massacre, coupled with, ALL the acts of genocide and ALL the sick, monstrous, unimaginable suffering -- in the bible -- commanded or perpetrated by your god, that caused the inexcusable, repulsive suffering of innocent children and babies and their ensuing deaths, demonstrates, the god of the bible, to be nothing more than a made up entity, painfully constructed by fallible humans -- which you insanely profess to be an accurate real-life portrait, without being able to substantiate ANY of your deluded claims.

Bible-god is NOTHING but a mirror into human behavior, at it's worst. The god of the Bible, possesses all the contemptible flaws of humanity, an apathetic monster, who makes all genocidal maniacs, combined, pale in comparison -- a being who should be far above and immune to such abhorrent attributes, and should encompass the best of what humanity has to offer, on a level, at least, equaling the magnitude of the universe but sadly, in the end, the god of the bible is nothing but a malevolent, vile, torturer, of souls.

I don't know what's more pathetically horrendous, a god who will torture children and babies, or the ignorant and insane christian drone, who believes, justifies and condones bible-god's actions?

Christianity, deluded christians and the bible are bullshit.


v_quixotic said...

Biblical Christian,

Actually, it could be argued that the bible condones abortion and provides advice on how to carry it out.

Check out one of Steve's earlier posts:


The Biblical Christian said...

My argument posits that "love your neighbor", "turn the other cheek" and "the good Samaritan parable" are rendered useless when you juxtapose god's deplorable, hypocritical actions of NOT turning the other cheek, and NOT loving your neighbors and NOT treating people with decency. Do...you...under...stand?

Tell me how they were either deplorable or hypocritical. Also, EVERYTHING that God does in the Bible is good and loving.

And while I'm thinking of it, explain the logic behind a god who preaches, "Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another." Colossians 3:13 ~and~ "Forgive not seven times but forgive seventy times seven." Matthew 18:21-22 -- with a god who will dole out unimaginable suffering and torture you for an eternity simply because someone didn't believe in him?

How are those verses incompatible? Forgiveness does not exclude punishment.
And as for being psychotic -- consider your bizarre attempts to justify an ALL-loving god with the egregious atrocities committed or commanded by bible-god.

They are not egregious, they are kind and loving. Everything that God does is good.

You must offer bloated, strained rationalizations to protect your warped feeble beliefs.

My beliefs are probably stronger than your belief that God does not exist.

You're also a psychotic christian who has fabricated an insanely and fantastic, massive delusion by idiosyncratically interpreting the supposed word of god; the superstitious, spurious words of scripture, and erroneously attributing feelings to your god-character. You are pretending to have a "relationship" with a fictional character out of a book, that only exists in the confines of your insanely limited mind.

I didn’t fabricate anything. The Bible is the truth, and no matter what you say, the Bible will always be true.

And all of this bullshit you believe in, can NOT be substantiated with ANY objective evidence. These bullshit beliefs are NOTHING but a figment of your delusional imagination.
That is the same with your Satanic rejection of Christ.

The Biblical Christian said...

The bible is a spurious, collection of separate, ancient stories, written by differing men, using the -- supposed, voice of god -- so as to give it a bogus sense of credibility, and authority where there was none to begin with, which came together, slowly, over time, that dealt with how a primitive superstitious people understood, what god meant to them, during their own specific, time period and their own specific culture. Anything after that is interpretation, speculation or delusional gullibility, which gets us the perverted ideas, beliefs and agendas of so many christian religions. Your god is nothing but a human construct a fictional character out of a book -- a figment of your imagination, a definition, based on your myopic, interpretation of scripture and flights of fancy.

God is NOT a human construct, I can tell you that much. Also, the Bible is full of facts and nothing but facts.

Point is the bible is a hodgepodge of ideas; a virtual grab-bag, where anyone can pick and choose, making it mean whatever they want it to mean, so they can support any deluded agenda they want.

I full agree on that; I oppose picking and choosing.
Additionally, the bible most certainly does NOT show itself as something written by or inspired by a divine hand -- to the contrary; it is replete with major gaps of logic, inconsistencies, contradictions and vile atrocities.
Those “contradictions” and “inconsistencies” only exist to you because you are an Atheist (Satanist).
2 Thessalonians 2:11
For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false

The Almalekite massacre, coupled with, ALL the acts of genocide and ALL the sick, monstrous, unimaginable suffering -- in the bible -- commanded or perpetrated by your god, that caused the inexcusable, repulsive suffering of innocent children and babies and their ensuing deaths, demonstrates, the god of the bible, to be nothing more than a made up entity, painfully constructed by fallible humans -- which you insanely profess to be an accurate real-life portrait, without being able to substantiate ANY of your deluded claims.
I don’t see how any of that is “sick.” They are all justified, for it was God that committed them. They are not only excusable but also just. None of His actions prove that He is false.

Bible-god is NOTHING but a mirror into human behavior, at it's worst. The god of the Bible, possesses all the contemptible flaws of humanity, an apathetic monster, who makes all genocidal maniacs, combined, pale in comparison -- a being who should be far above and immune to such abhorrent attributes, and should encompass the best of what humanity has to offer, on a level, at least, equaling the magnitude of the universe but sadly, in the end, the god of the bible is nothing but a malevolent, vile, torturer, of souls.

You do know that none of that is proof for His nonexistence, right?

I don't know what's more pathetically horrendous, a god who will torture children and babies, or the ignorant and insane christian drone, who believes, justifies and condones bible-god's actions?

How can a Christian be insane or ignorant, when he is following God?